Summer Fire Safety Tips For All Events & Locations

Crucial Summer Fire Safety Guidelines for The Season’s Adventures

Summer can be a refreshing interlude from the regular grind, offering ample time for outdoor adventures, family reunions, and holidays. The elevated temperatures and extended daylight hours allow for more leisure activities, but they can also contribute to increased fire hazards.

Although packed with excitement and fun, summer necessitates a deepened awareness of fire safety, particularly concerning outdoor events, barbecues, and summer travels. Fire hazards can arise whether you’re kindling a beachside bonfire, hosting a family barbecue, or relying on multiple electrical devices during a heatwave.

At Axis Fire Sprinklers, we provide a variety of fire safety installations and maintenance services to help individuals and businesses safeguard themselves. With our fire sprinkler systems and maintenance, we’re equipped to support your establishments and shield you from potential fire threats.

In this guide, we’re sharing our crucial summer fire safety tips to ensure your safety amidst the season’s fun and enjoyment.

Why Summer Fire Safety Matters

Summer is synonymous with an array of outdoor activities, many of which involve the use of open flames. From barbecues to bonfires, the likelihood of accidental fires skyrocket during this period, making summer fire safety a top priority.

This season, while providing a much-needed breather from everyday monotony and an opportunity to bond with loved ones, poses certain risks that cannot be overlooked. Comprehending the importance of summer fire safety enables you to safeguard yourself, your loved ones, and others in the vicinity while still having a good time in the sun.

Everyone must understand and adhere to summer fire safety measures to prevent property damage, injuries, and harm to the environment.

The Elevated Fire Risks Of Summer

Summer is a beloved season for many, but the increased temperatures, longer days, and prolonged outdoor time can lead to escalated fire risks.

Although the season is ideal for relaxation and forgetting daily worries, it’s essential to be accountable and maximise summer fire safety measures.

The summer season brings increased fire risks due to several factors:

Dry Conditions

Hot, dry weather can quickly turn lawns and greenery into lightning rods – with a single spark potentially starting a blaze that can spread rapidly. Even though barbeques and bonfires are some of the nation’s favourite activities during the summer, they carry immense fire-spreading potential due to the drier weather conditions.

Spending time outdoors can be enjoyable, but it’s important to remain alert and continue to exercise precautions to prevent fire spreading. Fire can wreak havoc beyond spoiling your day—it can also endanger those around you and inflict lasting damage on the environment.

Surge in Outdoor Cooking

Summer is the perfect season to fire up the barbecue and indulge in some home-cooked meals. However, barbecues and outdoor kitchens can become fire threats if not managed properly.

While outdoor cooking can be an excellent way to soak up the sun and host gatherings, it’s vital to enhance your summer fire safety regimen to avoid any complications.

Bonfires, Campfires, and Fire Pits

As daylight fades, people often light fires to continue their outdoor enjoyment. It’s essential to exercise caution when creating a designated fire pit, lighting a beach fire, or setting a campfire to prevent it from spreading.

All forms of open fire demand careful supervision and compliance with local guidelines to avoid accidents and ensure everyone’s safety.

Electrical Use During Hot Weather

Electrical outlets and plugs are prone to overheating, especially when powering multiple devices. The heightened temperatures and dry conditions of summer pose a formidable fire risk associated with everyday appliances.

You must take additional measures, particularly during a heatwave, to prevent electrical fires and keep your home safe, cool, and comfortable all summer.

Essential Summer Fire Safety Tips for Outdoor Activities

During the warmer months, most of us eagerly anticipate spending more time outdoors. From barbecuing with friends to merely enjoying a beautiful sunset, summer provides countless opportunities to soak in nature, quality time, and fun activities.

However, despite the enjoyment provided by outdoor activities, it’s crucial to be cognisant of potential fire hazards to guarantee a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

Here are some practical steps to keep yourself and those around you safe during summer outdoor activities:

Plan Ahead and Be Prepared

Before hosting any outdoor event, inspect the area for potential fire hazards. This allows you to have better control over the environment and minimise risks, such as fire spreading due to dry conditions.

If you’re planning to light a fire or use a barbecue, make sure to clear the area first. This involves keeping a zone devoid of all debris, and limiting the grass or foliage present, as these can rapidly catch fire due to the summer’s dry conditions.

Whether you’re hosting a family barbecue or simply spending more time in the garden, it’s a good idea to ensure all fire safety equipment is operational before inviting guests. Fire extinguishers can be incredibly useful for various applications. For summer fire safety, keep them within reach and ensure everyone knows how to use them.

Being close to a structure means it’s crucial to verify that your fire alarms and fire sprinklers are functioning, as they alert you to any risk in advance. Regular maintenance is key to their reliability, and testing should be done before hosting any event to ensure everyone’s safety.

Safe Barbecue Practices

While barbecuing is a summer staple, it requires careful attention to prevent mishaps. It’s essential to take precautions to prevent fires from spreading and other fire hazards during this season.

When it comes to summer fire safety for barbecues:

  • Location: Set up barbecues away from flammable materials. Before lighting, ensure the grill is on a stable, flat surface and not under low-hanging branches, which can easily catch fire and cause it to spread.
  • Supervision: Never leave a lit barbecue unattended. Make sure to keep children and pets at a safe distance at all times, even when the flames are dying out, as the charcoal will still be hot and can cause damage.
  • Starting the Grill: Use appropriate tools to light the barbecue and never add lighter fluid to an already lit fire, as it can quickly spiral out of control. Consider charcoal chimney starters as a safer alternative.

Campfire and Bonfire Safety

Warm summer nights often call for campfires or bonfires, where you can snuggle around the open flames and chat late into the night. As long as summer fire safety tips are implemented, this can be a wonderful experience for people of all ages.

For safe open fires:

  • Location: Similar to barbecues, the choice of where you light the fire plays a huge role in summer fire safety. Make sure to choose a clear, open space for your fire. If you’re in an open space, dig a pit and surround it with rocks to contain the flames.
  • Size: Keep fires manageable in size at all times, as larger fires are more difficult to control.
  • Extinguishing: Always extinguish fires completely before leaving the area or going to sleep. You can stop the fire by dousing it with water. After the flames have died down, stir the ashes, and repeat this process until cool.

Summer Fire Safety Tips for Trips and Vacations

Summer is the perfect time to take a break and explore new locations. Whether you’re going on an extended vacation or merely taking a day trip to discover a new city or hiking trail, or to visit friends, summer fire safety measures should be in place.

There are several major risks to consider when planning summer trips and preventing fires:

Accommodation Precautions

Whether you’re staying with friends, at a hotel, or in private accommodations, ensure that fire safety measures are in place. Even if you’re not engaged in risky behaviour, others in the same location might be, and you need to be protected at all times.

Wherever you’re staying, take time to check:

  • Fire Exits: Familiarise yourself with the fire exits and emergency plans at your accommodation. This will enable a quick and safe evacuation in worst-case scenarios.
  • Smoke Detectors: Ensure smoke detectors are present and functional in your room and throughout the accommodation. Consider bringing a portable smoke detector for added peace of mind, especially if you have small children or those who need additional warning to evacuate.
  • Fire Sprinklers: It is part of UK regulations that all public spaces have some form of fire prevention system in place, with many opting for fire sprinklers as they can offer a quick dousing of flames.

Camping and Outdoor Adventures

Camping is a popular way to spend the summer, as it’s the best season to be outdoors.

Whether you’re at a campsite or simply spending the day outdoors, there are some summer fire safety steps you can take to protect yourself, those around you, and the surrounding environment:

  • Campfire Safety: Follow the same safety tips mentioned earlier for open fires, no matter where you are spending the summer. Many campsites provide specific rules and designated areas for campfires, and you should adhere to these for utmost safety.
  • Portable Stoves: Use portable stoves with care, ensuring they’re stable and placed away from tents and vegetation to prevent the fire from spreading.

Preventing Electrical Fires During Hot Weather

While many of the summer fire safety tips in this guide are focused on outdoor events, there are still fire hazards inside your home or business that require attention.

Electrical fires can be devastating and pose a high risk during the summer, with the elevated temperatures making it easier for appliances to overheat and catch fire. To protect your home or business during your daily routine, particularly during heatwaves, consider the following:

Avoid Overloading Electrical Outlets

This is not just a good summer fire safety practice, but also a good habit for any time of the year. The heightened summer temperatures can lead to appliances overheating, especially if multiple devices are plugged into a single outlet.

To minimise this risk, ensure that you distribute the electrical load across multiple outlets and avoid using extension cords as a permanent solution. If you find yourself needing extra outlets, consider having additional ones installed by a qualified electrician.

Regular Maintenance of Appliances

To further safeguard against electrical fires, perform regular maintenance checks on your home appliances. Ensure that cords are intact and free from frays, as damaged wiring can lead to short circuits and fires.

Clean any dust or debris from devices that generate heat, such as toasters and heaters, since build-up can hinder performance and increase fire risks. In addition, replace older appliances that no longer meet safety standards or have become prone to overheating.

Safe Storage of Flammable Materials

Finally, pay special attention to the storage of flammable materials within your home or workplace. Keep items such as cleaning supplies, paper products, and any other combustibles away from heat sources and appliances.

Ensure that these materials are stored in cool, dry locations, and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe storage.

By taking these precautions, you can create a safer environment for yourself and those around you, significantly reducing the risk of summer fire hazards.


There are various ways that you can implement better summer fire safety, whether you’re at home, work or on holiday. Although this can be a fun season for events and adventures, you must take precautions to limit fire risks.

At Axis Fire Sprinklers, we offer a range of top-quality fire suppression systems and maintenance, helping to protect a range of premises across the region with our sprinklers.

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