Kitchen Suppression

What is a Kitchen Suppression System?

When it comes to kitchen fires, having the correct safety measures in place is crucial. While fire extinguishers and blankets can be helpful in certain situations, they are not always the most effective or reliable option.

A kitchen suppression system is a safer and more efficient solution, particularly in commercial kitchens. Unlike fire extinguishers or blankets, a suppression system does not require an operative to be present in order to activate it.

Additionally, these systems can tackle fires that have spread into the canopy or extract ducts, minimising the risk of further damage to the kitchen and surrounding areas.

Overall, investing in a kitchen suppression system is a wise choice for any kitchen looking to prioritise safety and prevent potential disasters.

Protection for Commercial Kitchens

When it comes to your commercial kitchen, fire safety should always be a top priority. That’s why we recommend investing in kitchen suppression systems that are designed to protect your valuable assets, staff, and customers.

Our team of experienced technicians will work with you to create a customised fire protection plan that takes into account your unique requirements, ensuring that your equipment is always protected in the event of an emergency.

We have a wide range of kitchen suppression systems to choose from that will not only save valuable time and money, but you’ll also have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your kitchen is always safe from potential fire hazards.

Kitchen Mister Kitchen Suppression

Utilising state of the art misting technology has proven to be the most effective fixed kitchen fire extinguishing system ever developed, extinguishing potentially deadly kitchen fires fast, before they can spread.

There are many advantages to installing this type of suppression system:-

  • Uncomplicated system design eliminates installation errors
  • Installation time significantly reduced
  • Innovative design eliminates conduit and corner pulleys
  • Advanced detection system installs quicky and easily
  • Color-coded nozzles for easy identification
  • Flexible piping requirements allow for unlimited system configurations

If you would like to talk to us about this or our wide range of suppression systems then please get in contact with us today.

Fire Sprinklers Save Lives

Protect your home and family by installing a cost effective fire sprinkler system from Axis Fire Sprinklers. Our team will design and install a system that complies with Building Regulations and BS 9251, giving you peace of mind now and in the future.


OUR Accreditations

As a leading supplier in the fire safety industry, we pride ourselves on our quality workmanship
and are accredited to the highest standards.
Accreditations held by Dorset Fire Sprinkler Systems.

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